Sweet Potato Casserole with Brown Sugar Fluff Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Make Ahead

by: Ashley Rodriguez



1 Ratings

  • Serves 8 to 10

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Author Notes

The wispy peaks and valleys of the homemade fluff give this side dish drama and intrigue that mini marshmallows (which is our traditional topping) just can’t. If you already have a favorite recipe for the base of the casserole, you can swap that in for mine here and just top your classic with the brown sugar fluff. —Ashley Rodriguez

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

  • 3 poundsyams
  • 1/2 stick butter, softened
  • 1/4 cupplus 2/3 cup dark brown sugar, divided
  • 1/2 teaspoonplus 1/4 teaspoon salt, divided
  • Pepper
  • 1/2 cupmilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 egg whites
  1. Preheat your oven to 400° F. Place the yams on a baking sheet and roast in the oven until very tender, about 1 hour. Let cool, then remove skin with a paring knife. Cut yams into 1-inch chunks and place in the bowl of a food processor.
  2. Process the yams until a smooth purée forms. To that, add the butter, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, cinnamon, and a few grinds of pepper. Pulse that together, then taste and adjust the seasoning.
  3. Add the milk and the 2 whole eggs and process until smooth. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish.
  4. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until slightly puffed.
  5. For the marshmallow fluff: Make a double boiler by bringing a small pot of water to a simmer, then placing the bowl of your stand mixer or another large stainless steel bowl atop the water.
  6. Add the 3 egg whites, remaining 2/3 cup brown sugar, and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and whisk continuously until the sugar dissolves and the liquid is warm to the touch.
  7. Transfer the bowl from the stovetop to your stand mixer and use the whisk attachment to whip the whites on medium-high speed until it turns glossy with stiff peaks, about 5 to 8 minutes. (Use a hand-held mixer if you do not have a stand mixer.)
  8. Once the casserole has finished baking, use a rubber spatula to cover the yam mixture with the fluff. Use the back of the spatula create dramatic peaks. This will give you a nice variation in color and texture once the dish is baked.
  9. Return to the oven for 5 to 7 minutes, or until the marshmallow fluff starts to turn golden and the fluffy peaks are just shy of burnt.

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Recipe by: Ashley Rodriguez

Author of Date Night In (2015) and creator of the blog, Not Without Salt.

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11 Reviews

Andrew M. November 17, 2018

I made this three times last year, and will be making it again this year.
In terms if making ahead, I’ve made it all in one go, made it by roasting the potatoes then holding them in the fridge overnight, and by making the casserole and holding it in the fridge but making the merengue before serving. All three worked, but reheating the full casserole was a little drier.
This is amazing over the next few days, but the merengue tends to leak excess sugar which isn’t super attractive, so I’d suggest making that part day of.

Jodi M. November 11, 2016

Visiting this year. Can I make in the am and reheat when I get to the meal? Should I keep the fluff separate and just put on to reheat...will it stay? Or just make it and then reheat the whole thing?

BrettyJax November 24, 2015

Looks so yummy! Does anyone know if the fluff turns out meringuey or more like marshmallow?

Dana M. November 26, 2015

Just made this, it's definitely more like meringue. But really good and different!

jennifer M. November 21, 2015

how much cinnamon?

tamae November 18, 2015

Can the fluff be made in advance?

meagan October 31, 2015

Very interested in making this but have similar questions. I think that the eggs and milk are added to the casserole in step 3 and then in step 5 the "fluff"/ egg whites is mixed in a separate bowl (maybe on the stove) ??

Sarah J. November 1, 2015

Sorry for the confusion! Seems that a step went missing during our upload process. Check back now—I hope the extra step clarifies things!

meagan November 1, 2015

great - I will give it a try

Sara October 30, 2015

Ashley, it looks delicious, I must try it! Although, as Caitlin, I would also like some clarification about steps 3 through 5. Thank you.

Caitlin October 29, 2015

Steps 3 through 5 are a little confusing. Unclear whether the milk and eggs are being mixed into the yams or started on the stove. Further unclear on if the egg whites are being cooked on the stove top or mixed into casserole.

Sweet Potato Casserole with Brown Sugar Fluff Recipe on Food52 (2024)


How do you make sweet potato casserole not watery? ›

It's hearty and satisfying. Eggs and cream help stabilize the dish and prevent it from becoming too runny (a common complaint with many sweet potato casserole recipes).

What's the difference between sweet potato pie and sweet potato casserole? ›

The difference is that sweet potato casserole can either have a toasted marshmallow top or a crunchy brown sugar/nut top and is made with brown sugar in the casserole. Sweet potato pie is made with white sugar, has nothing on top, but can be served with whipped topping.

What's the difference between yams and sweet potato casserole? ›

Yams and sweet potatoes differ in flavor and appearance, and they are not related. Sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family, while yams belong to the lily family. Yams aren't as sweet as sweet potatoes, and they are starchier and drier. Their texture and flavor are more similar to potatoes or yuca.

How does Ina Garten bake sweet potatoes? ›

  1. Preheat oven to 425*F.
  2. Cut sweet potatoes in wedges or like french fries.
  3. Place wedges on large baking pan or cookie sheet. ...
  4. Now sprinkle over brown sugar, salt, and black pepper. ...
  5. Spread out in a single layer. ...
  6. Place back in oven and bake another 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy on the outside.

What makes sweet potato casserole runny? ›

If your sweet potato casserole turned out “watery”, its usually because you forgot to add eggs; you didn't let your casserole have enough time to set up after baking or you used fresh sweet potatoes and didn't boil them long enough before mashing.

Why put egg in sweet potato casserole? ›

A really good sweet potato casserole filling should be light and moist, not dense. If it's dense, then you may not have added an often overlooked ingredient—an egg. An egg adds lift, structure and volume and makes the filling more custard-like.

What variety of sweet potato is best for casserole? ›

Orange sweet potatoes are excellent for baking, roasting or in casseroles. Orange sweet potato varieties include the Covington, Belleview and Beauregard.

Which is healthier, sweet potato or yam? ›

Although both veggies are very close in fiber, protein, vitamin C, and magnesium, sweet potatoes are the healthier option because they are lower in overall calories, lower in carbohydrates, and higher in beta carotene (vitamin A).

Are sweet potatoes good for diabetics? ›

Sweet potatoes are known to be high in fiber and have a low glycemic index, which results in a less immediate impact on blood glucose levels. This can help people with diabetes keep their blood sugar levels in check. Sweet potatoes can be: Baked or microwaved.

Which is better for baking sweet potatoes or yams? ›

If you're able to find true yams in your supermarket, they can be prepared just like your favorite potato recipes—boiled, roasted, baked, or fried. But if sweet, candied recipes are what you're after, you probably want to stick to using sweet potatoes.

How do you make Patti Labelle sweet potatoes? ›

Boil the sweet potatoes in a large stockpot until soft, about 25 minutes; drain. When cool enough to handle, peel the potatoes and transfer them to a large bowl. While the potatoes are still warm, add the butter, cream, agave, cinnamon and salt, and mash until smooth. Sprinkle with the orange zest.

Why do you soak sweet potatoes before baking? ›

The cold water bath helps rinse the starch off the sweet potatoes so they're a bit more crispy. That said, if you do not have the time, you can still get crispy baked sweet potato fries by using high heat and a little drizzle of olive oil.

How to bake sweet potato in oven Martha Stewart? ›

Pierce potatoes all over with the tines of a fork and bake in oven, directly on rack, until soft and caramelizing, 1 1/2 hours. Slash the tops of potatoes open with the tip of a sharp knife and push ends of each potato toward each other to open. Divide butter, salt, and pepper among potatoes and serve.

How do you fix a watery casserole? ›

Make a cornstarch slurry for a fast and easy thickener.

Use one tablespoon of cornstarch per cup of liquid you would like to thicken. Stir out all the lumps. A few minutes before your casserole is done, add it a little at a time until you are happy with the thickness. Then, let the casserole finish baking.

How do you make a casserole less liquidy? ›

Or better yet, avoid them altogether.
  1. Add A Starch. Cornstarch in wooden bowl - NIKCOA/Shutterstock. ...
  2. Experiment With Pasta Or Grains. ...
  3. Take The Lid Off. ...
  4. Drain Fat From Meat. ...
  5. Choose A Dry Or Low-Fat Cheese. ...
  6. Sprinkle Seeds Into Your Bake. ...
  7. Remove Excess Liquid. ...
  8. Leave The Casserole In The Oven A Bit Longer.
Oct 29, 2023

How do you remove excess water from sweet potatoes? ›

Freezing sweet potatoes drives excess water out of the potato, resulting in an interior with more concentrated flavor. Freezing also lowers the starting temperature of the potato, allowing more time for amylase enzymes to convert starch to sweet-tasting maltose.

How do you fix a wet casserole? ›

Just because your casserole is starting to look a bit soupy doesn't mean it's beyond saving. In fact, all you need to do is add some pasta noodles or grains to your base. This trick works for the simple reason that both types of ingredients soak up water as they cook.

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