Ryo Ishikawa
BLGD.9, Yayoi 2-11-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 113-8656
TEL: +81-3-5841-7723
Fax: +81-3-5841-7694
Mail: ishikawa@sigma.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Academic Career
2007 - 2011 Ph.D. The University of Tokyo (JSPS DC2).
2011 - 2012 Poctdoctoral Fellow, The University of Tokyo.
2012 - 2014 JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship at ORNL, USA.
2014 - 2020 Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo.
2018 - 2022 (adjunct) JST-PRESTO, Intelligent Measurement Analysis.
2020 - Project Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo.
Research Topics
Three-Dimensional Atom-by-Atom Imaging by STEM Depth Sectioning
Following the establishments of aberration-correction optics in electron microscopy, the spatial resolution is extensively improved and now in the regime of deep sub-angstrom (40.5 pm, 2018). However, such high spatial resolution is only valid in the lateral two-dimensions and the remaining depth resolution along the axial direction is still no better than 5 – 10 nm in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). To push the boundary of the STEM capability into three-dimensions, we are developing ‘large-angle illumination’ STEM that could improve the depth resolution.
R. Ishikawa et al, Ultramicroscopy (2015).
R. Ishikawa et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. (2016).
R. Ishikawa et al, Phys. Rev. Appl. (2020).
R. Ishikawa et al, ACS Nano (2021).
High Spatiotemporal STEM Imaging toward Atomic Dynamics
Most of research in atomic-resolution STEM imaging is focused on the static atomic structure analysis, owing to the poor temporal resolution in STEM. However, it is also important to understand dynamics at atomic dimension. To realize atomic-resolution dynamic STEM imaging, we are developing a new scanning system, where the temporal resolution should be better than TV rate (<40 ms/frame) with sub-anstrome spatial resolution.
R. Ishikawa et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2014).
R. Ishikawa et al, Microscopy (2020).
Selected Papers
- R. Ishikawa,T. Futazuka, Y. Jimbo, K. Kawahara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Real-time tracking of three-dimensional atomic dynamics of Pt-trimer on TiO2 (110)"
Science Advances 10 eadk6501 (2024) - R. Ishikawa, Y. Ueno, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Direct Observation of Atomistic Reaction Process between Pt Nanoparticles and TiO2 (110)"
Nano Letters 22 4161-4167 (2022) - R. Ishikawa, R. Tanaka, K. Kawahara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-resolution topographic imaging of crystal surfaces"
ACS Nano 15 9186-9193 (2021) - R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, T. Seki, G. Sanchez-Santlino, Y. Kohno, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata
"Direct electric field imaging of graphene defects"
Nature Communications 9 3878 (2018) - R. Ishikawa, R. Mishra, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay,T. Taniguchi, S.T. Pantelides and S.J. Pennycook
"Direct Observation of Dopant Atom Diffusion in a Bulk Semiconductor Crystal Enhanced by a Large Size Mismatch"
Physical Review Letters 113 155501 (2014). - R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay, T. Taniguchi and S.J. Pennycook
"Three-Dimensional Location of a Single Dopant with Atomic Precision by Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
Nano Letters 14 1903-1908 (2014). - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, F. Oba, T. Taniguchi, S.D. Findlay, I. Tanaka and Y. Ikuhara
"Functional Complex Point-Defect Structure in a Huge-Size-Mismatch System",
Physical Review Letters 110 065504 (2013). - R. Ishikawa, E. Okunishi, H. Sawada, Y. Kondo, F. Hosokawa and E. Abe
"Direct imaging of hydrogen-atom columns in a crystal by annular bright-field electron microscopy"
Nature Materials 10 278 (2011).
- 2023 Mar 5 Kazato Prize (Kazato Research Fundation)
- 2021 Apr 14 The Young Scientists’ Award (Ministry of Education, Japan)
- 2021 Feb 23 Honda Memorial Young Research Award
- 2018 May 29 The Japanese Society of Microscopy
- 2016 Jul 25 Albert Crewe Award, Microscopy Society of America
- 2015 Sep 16 25th Encouragement Award, The Japan Institute of Metals
Publication list
Peer Review Papers
- S.J. Pennycook R. Ishikawa, H. Wu, X. Zhao, C. Li, W. Zhou
"Physics through the Microscope"
Chinese Physics B (2024) - J.J.P. Peters, T. Mullarkey, J.M.Bekkevold, M. Geever, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, L. Jones
"On the temporal transfer function in STEM imaging from finite detector response time"
Ultramicroscopy 267 114056 (2024) - J. Wei, Z. Xu, W. Shen, B. Feng R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, X. Bai
"A Real-Space Tilting Method for Nanocrystalline Materials in STEM"
Small Methods 2401023 (2024) - K. Nakayama, S. Kobayashi, R. Ishikawa, A. Kuwabara, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-scale and nanoscale structural modifications induced in LiCoO2 by irreversible delithiation accompanying oxygen release"
Chemistry of Materials 36 8984-8989 (2024) - J.M.Bekkevold, J.J.P. Peters, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, L. Jones
"Ultra-fast Digital DPC Yielding High Spatio-Temporal Resolution for Low-Dose Phase Characterisation"
Microscopy and Microanalysis ozae082 (2024) - H. Chandra, S. Sasano. S. Miyakoshi, X. Bin, R. Ishikawa, S. Noda, N. Shibata, J. Shiomi
"Tuning the cross-plane thermal conductivity of graphite by MnCl2 and FeCl3 co-intercalation "
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12 23848-23858 (2024) - M Kamachi, K. Yonesato, T. Okazaki, D. Yanai, S. Kikkawa, S. Yamazoe, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, K. Yamaguchi, K. Suzuki
"Synthesis of a Gold–Silver Alloy Nanocluster within a Ring-Shaped Polyoxometalate and Its Photocatalytic Property"
Angewandte Chemie International Journal 63 e202408358 (2024) - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Three-dimensional crystal defect imaging by STEM depth sectioning"
Chinese Physics B 33 086101 (2024) - K. Kawahara, R. Ishikawa, S. Sasano, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Total Third-Degree Variation for Noise Reduction in Atomic-Resolution STEM Images"
Microscopy 73 dfae031(2024) - T. Kusumi, S. Katakami, R. Ishikawa, K. Kawahara, T. Mullarkey, J.M. Bekkevold, J.J.P. Peters, L. Jones, N. Shibata, M. Okada
"New Poisson Denoising Method for Pulse-count STEM Imaging"
Ultramicroscopy 264 113996 (2024) - Philipp Golle-Leidreiter, Shrikant Bhat, Leonore Wiehl, Qingbo Wen, Peter Kroll, R. Ishikawa, Martin Etter, Robert Farla, Yuichi Ikuhara, Ute Kolb, Ralf Riedel
"Crystal structure of a novel high-pressure oxynitride SnGe4N4O4, from single-crystal electron diffraction"
Acta Crystallographica Section B 80 182-192 (2024) - R. Ishikawa,T. Futazuka, Y. Jimbo, K. Kawahara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Real-time tracking of three-dimensional atomic dynamics of Pt-trimer on TiO2 (110)"
Science Advances 10 eadk6501 (2024) - K. Tabata, T. Seki, S.D. Findlay, R. Ishikawa, R. Tamura, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata
"Direct imaging of Atomic Rattling Motion in a Clathrate Compound"
Small Science 2300254 (2024) - K. Xia, T. Yatabe, K. Yonesato, K. Soichi, S. Yamazoe, A> Nakata, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, K. Yamaguchi, K. Suzuki
"Ultra-stable and highly reactive colloidal gold nanoparticle catalysts protected using multi-dentate metal oxide nanoclusters"
Nature Communications 15 851 (2024) - H. Kim, D. Kim, K. Hara, H. Shiiba, Y. Charles-Blin, E. Otal, H. Tanaka, K. Teshima, G.Sanchez-Santolino, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, N. Zettsu
"Mixed Anion Effects on Structural and Electrochemical Characteristics of Li4Ti5O12 for High-rate and Durable Anode Materials"
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12 7107-7121 (2024) - M. Hanai, M. Kawamura, R. Ishikawa, T. Suzumura, K. Taura
"Cloud Data Acquisition from Shared-Use Facilities in A University-Scale Laboratory Information Management System"
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing 170 120523 (2023) - S. Sasano, R. Ishikawa, K. Kawahara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"La-Al Intermetallic Alloy Anode for Realizing High-Energy Fluoride-Ion Battery"
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 120523 (2023) - T. Kusumi, S. Katakami R. Ishikawa, K. Kawahara, N. Shibata, M. Okada
"Fast Reconstruction of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Images Using Markov Random Field Model"
Ultramicroscopy 253 113811 (2023) - R. Ishikawa, T. Tanigaki, Y. Fukuda
"Resolution does matter"
Microscopy 72 65 (2023) - R. Ishikawa, S. Morishita, T. Tanigaki, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Spatial and phase resolution in electron microscopy"
Microscopy 72 78-96 (2023) - K. Kawahara, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Fluoride ion conductivity of Rb doped KSbF4"
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 020528 (2023) - S. Sasano, R. Ishikawa, K. Kawahara, A. Mineshige, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Formation of nanoscale La-rich tysonite precipitates in fluorite Ba0.6La0.4F2.4"
Journal of Power Sources 557 232581 (2023) - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, F. Oba, T. Taniguchi, Y. Ikuhara
"Single atom microscopy in wide-bandgap nitrides"
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 20 166-173 (2023) - S. Ogawa, K. Nakayama, M. Katayama, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, M. Saito, T. Motohashi
"Highly durable bifunctional gas diffusion electrodes fabricated with melilite-type Fe/Co/Ni-mixed oxide electrocatalysts"
ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 15502-15509 (2022) - T. Futazuka, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Grain boundary structural transformation induced by co-segregation of aliovalent dopants"
Nature Communications 13 5299 (2022) - K. Kawahara, R. Ishikawa, S. Sasano, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-resolution STEM image denoising by total variation regularization"
Microscopy 71 302-310 (2022) - R. Ishikawa, Y. Ueno, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Direct observation of atomistic reaction process between Pt nanoparticles and TiO2 (110)"
Nano Letters 22 4161-4167 (2022) - Y.H. Ikuhara, X. Gao, K. Kawahara, C.A.J. Fisher, A. Kuwabara, R. Ishikawa, H. Moriwake, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-Level Changes During Electrochemical Cycling of Oriented LiMn2O4 Cathodic Thin Films"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 6507-6517 (2022) - K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, H. Tojigamori, H. Miki, H. Iba, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Fluoride-ion conversion alloy for fluoride-ion batteries"
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 3743-3749 (2022) - T. Mawson, D.J. Taplin, H.G. Brown, L. Clark, R. Ishikawa, T. Seki, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, D.M. Paganin, M.J. Morgan, M. Weyland, T.C. Peterson, S.D. Findlay
"Factors limiting quantitative phase retrieval in atomic-resolution differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy using a segmented detector"
Ultramicroscopy 233 113457 (2022) - H. Nakade, E. Tochigi, F. Bin, R. Ishikawa, H. Ohta, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Effect of annealing on grain growth and Y segregation behavior in tetragonal ZrO2 thin film"
Journal of American Ceramics Society 105 2300-2308 (2022) - H. Yamahara, F. Bin, M. Seki, M. Adachi, S.F. Shamim, T.Takeda, M. Kobayashi, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, Y. Cho, H. Tabata
"Flexoelectric Nanodomains in Rare-Earth Iron Garnet Thin Films under Strain Gradient"
Communication Materials 2 95 (2021) - S. Sasano, R. Ishikawa, G.S. Santolino, H. Ohta, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomistic origin of Li-ion conductivity reduction at (Li3xLa2/3−x)TiO3 grain boundary"
Nano Letters 21 6282–6288 (2021) - J. Wei, B. Feng, R. Ishikawa, T. Yokoi, K. Matsunaga, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Direct imaging of atomistic grain boundary migration"
Nature Materials 20 951-955 (2021) - B. Han, R. Zhu, X. Li, M. Wu, R. Ishikawa, B. Feng, X. Bai, Y. Ikuhara, P. Gao
"Two-dimensional room-temperature giant antiferrodistortive SrTiO3 at a grain boundary"
Physical Review Letters 126 225702 (2021) - R. Ishikawa, R. Tanaka, K. Kawahara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-resolution topographic imaging of crystal surfaces"
ACS Nano 15 9186-9193 (2021) - Q. Zheng, T. Feng, J.A. Hachtel, R. Ishikawa, Y. Cheng, L. Daemen, J. Xing, J.C. Idrobo, J. Yan, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, B.C. Sales, S.T. Pantelides, M. Chi
"Direct Visualization of Anionic Electrons in an Electride Reveals Inhomogeneities"
Science Advances 7 eabe6819 (2021) - G. Schusteritsch, R. Ishikawa, K. Inoue, K.P. McKenna, Y. Ikuhara, C.J. Pickard
"Localized anatase grain boundary phase embedded in rutile titanium dioxide"
Nano Letters 21 2745–2751 (2021) - A. Ishizuka, K. Ishizuka, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, H. Hashiguchi, R. Sagawa
"Improving the depth resolution of STEM-ADF sectioning by 3D deconvolution"
Microscopy 70 241-249 (2021) - R. Ishikawa, R. Tanaka, S. Morishita, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, T. Sasaki, M. Ichikawa, M. Hasegawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Automated geometric aberration correction for large-angle illumination STEM"
Ultramicroscopy 222 133215 (2021) - K. Kawahara, R. Ishikawa, K. Nakayama, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Room temperature fluoride ion conductivity in defective β-KSb1-δF4-3δ polycrystal"
Journal of Power Sources 483 229173 (2021) - M.A. Roldan, A. Mayence, A. López-Ortega, R. Ishikawa, J. Salafranca, M. Estrader, G. Salazar-Alvarez M.D. Baró,7 J. Nogués, S.J. Pennycook, M. Varela
"Probing the meta-stability of core|shell nanoparticle systems at atomic resolution"
Chemical Engineering Journal 405 126820 (2021) - D. Kim, N. Zettsu, H. Shiiba, G. Sanchez-Santolino, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, K. Teshima
"Hetero-anionic surface as a new strategic approach for mitigating the side-reactions at electrolyte interface in high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4-xSx systems"
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 22302-22314 (2020) - K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, S. Kobayashi, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Dislocations and oxygen-release driven delithiation in Li2MnO3"
Nature Communications 11 4452 (2020) - S. Ishihara, E. Tochigi, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic structures of Ti-doped α-Al2O3 Σ13 grain boundary with a small amount of Si impurity"
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 6659 (2020) - K. Murai, K. Fujiwara, K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, A. Tsukazaki
"Stabilization of a honeycomb lattice of IrO6 octahedra in superlattices with ilmenite-type MnTiO3"
Communications Materials 1 55 (2020) - J. Zhu, R. Osuga, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, J.N. Kondo, M. Ogura, J. Yu, T. Wakihara, Z. Liu, T. Okubo
"Ultrafast Encapsulation of Metal Nanoclusters into MFI Zeolite in the Course of Crystallization and Its Application for Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propene"
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 19669 - 19674 (2020) - G. Hasegawa, Y. Akiyama, M. Tanaka, R. Ishikawa, H. Akamatsu, Y. Ikuhara, K. Hayashi
"Reversible Electrochemical Insertion/Extraction of Magnesium ion into/from Robust NASICON-type Crystal Lattice in a Mg(BF4)2-based Electrolyte"
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 6824-6833 (2020) - S. Ogawa, Y. Ogino, M. Yonemura, T. Fukunaga, H. Kiuchi, K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, Y. Doi, K. Suzuki, M. Saito, T. Motohashi
"Synthesis of Novel Melilite-type Iron/Cobalt Oxides and their Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalytic Activity"
Chemistry of Materials 32 6847-6854 (2020) - T. Futazuka, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"First principles calculations of group IIA and group IV impurities in α-Al2O3"
Physical Review Materials 4 073602 (2020) - S. Bhat, A. Lale, S. Bernard, W. Zhang, R. Ishikawa, S. Haseen, P. Kroll, L. Wiehl, R. Farla, T. Katsura, Y. Ikuhara, R. Riedel
"Discovery of Ternary Silicon Titanium Nitride with Spinel-Type Structure"
Scientific Reports 10 7372(2020) - R. Ishikawa, Y. Jimbo, M. Terao, M. Nishikawa, Y. Ueno, S. Morishita, M. Mukai, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"High spatiotemporal-resolution imaging in the scanning transmission electron microscope"
Microscopy 69 240-247 (2020) - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, T. Taniguchi, Y. Ikuhara
"Three-dimensioanl imaging of a single dopant in a crystal"
Physical Review Applied 13 034064 (2020) - J. Wei, T. Ogawa, B. Feng, T. Yokoi, R. Ishikawa, A. Kuwabara, K. Matsunaga, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Direct measurement of electronic band structures at oxide grain boundaries"
Nano Letters 20 2530-2536 (2020) - J.T. Okada, P. Sit, R. Ishikawa, T. Ishikawa, J. Chen, Y. Yokoyama, Y. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, P. -F. Paradis, Y. Ikuhara, K. Kimura, S. Nanao, S. Uda
"Bulk amorphous Si produced from supercooled liquid"
Applied Physics Letters 116 093705 (2020) - S. Sasano, R. Ishikawa, K. Kawahara, T. Kimura, Y.H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Grain boundary Li-ion conductivity in (Li0.33La0.56)TiO3 polycrystal"
Applied Physics Letters 116 043901 (2020) - C. Zhou, A. Ott, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, R. Riedel, E. Ionescu
"Single-source-precursor synthesis and high-temperature evolution of novel mesoporous SiVN(O)-based ceramic nanocomposites"
Journal of European Ceramics Society 40 6280-6287 (2020) - S. Ishihara, E. Tochig, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Coexistence of two different atomic structures in the Σ13 pyramidal twin boundary in α-Al2O3"
Philsophical Magazine Letters 99 435-443 (2019) - K. Kawahara, R. Ishikawa, K. Nakayama, T. Higashi, T. Kimura, Y.H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Fast Li-ion conduction at grain boundaries in (La,Li)NbO3 polycrystal"
Journal of Power Sources 441 227187 (2019) - K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, A. Kuwabara, S. Kobayashi, T. Motohashi, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Transition Metal Distribution in Brownmillerite Ca2FeCoO5"
Inorganic Chemistry 58 10209-10216 (2019) - B. Feng, R. Ishikawa, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-scale origin of enhanced ionic conductivity at crystal defects"
Nano Letters 19 2162-2168 (2019) - H.G. Brown, R. Ishikawa, G.S. Santolino, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, L.J. Allen, S.D. Findlay
"Large angle illumination enabling accurate structure reconstruction from thick samples in scanning transmission electron microscopy"
Ultramicroscopy 197 112-121 (2019) - K. Kawahara, R. Ishikawa, T. Higashi, T. Kimura, Y.H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Unique fitting of electrochemical impedance spectra by random walk Metropolis Hastings algorithm"
Journal of Power Sources 403 184-191 (2018) - R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, T. Seki, G. Sanchez-Santlino, Y. Kohno, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata
"Direct electric field imaging of graphene defects"
Nature Communications 9 3878 (2018) - Z. Wang, Y. Inoue, T. Hisatomi, R. Ishikawa, Q. Wang, D. Murthy, Y. Suzuki, T. Takata, S. Chen, N. Shibata, H. Matsuzaki, K. Seki, A. Furube, Y. Ikuhara, K. Domen
"Overall water splitting by Ta3N5 nanorod single crystals grown on the edges of KTaO3 particles"
Nature Catalysis 1 756-763 (2018) - G. Sanchez-Santolino, N.R. Lugg, T. Seki, R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, Y. Kohno, Y. Kanitani, S. Tanaka, S. Tomiya, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata
"Probing the Internal Atomic Charge Density Distributions in Real Space"
ACS Nano 12 8875-8881 (2018) - P. Gao, S. Yang, R. Ishikawa, N. Li, B. Feng, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, P. Yu, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-Scale Measurement of Flexoelectric Polarization at SrTiO3 Dislocations"
Physical Review Letters 120 267601 (2018) - K. Szot, C. Rodenbücher, G. Bihlmayer, W. Speier, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Influence of dislocations in transition metal oxides on selected physical and chemical properties"
Crystals 8 241-317 (2018) - S. Morishita, R. Ishikawa, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Attainment of 40.5 pm spatial resolution using 300 kV scanning transmission electron microscope equipped with fifth-order aberration corrector"
Microscopy 67 46-50 (2018) - P. Gao, R. Ishikawa, B. Feng, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-Scale Structure Relaxation, Chemistry and Charge Distribution of Dislocation Cores in SrTiO3"
Ultramicroscopy 184 217-224 (2018) - P. Gao, A. Kumamoto, R. Ishikawa, N. Lugg, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Picometer-scale atom position analysis in annular bright-field STEM imaging"
Ultramicroscopy 184 177-187 (2018) - R. Mishra, R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, S.J. Pennycook
"Single Atom Dynamics in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
MRS Bulletin 42 644-652 (2017) - T. Seki, G.S. Santolino, R. Ishikawa, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata
"Quantitative electric field mapping in thin specimens using a segmented detector: revisiting the transfer function for differential phase contrast"
Ultramicroscopy 182 258-263 (2017). - X Liu, Z. Yu, R. Ishikawa, L. Chen, X. Yin, Y. Ikuhara, R. Riedel
"Single-source-precursor synthesis and excellent electromagnetic properties of novel RGO-SiCN ceramic nanocomposites"
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 7950-7960 (2017) - R. Ishikawa, Y. Shimbo, I. Sugiyama, N.R. Lugg, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Room Temperature Dilute Ferromagnetic Dislocations in (Sr1-xMnx)TiO3-δ"
Physical Review B 96 024440 (2017). - D. Kim, H. Shiiba, N. Zettsu, T. Yamada, T. Kimijima, G.S. Santolino, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, K. Teshima
"Full Picture Discovery for Mixed-Fluorine Anion Effects on High-Voltage Spinel Manganese Cathodes"
NPG Asia Materials 9 e398 (2017). - P. Gao, Z. Zhang, M. Li, R. Ishikawa, B. Feng, H.-J, Liu, Y.-L. Huang, N. Shibata, X. Ma, S. Chen, J. Zhang, K. Liu, E.-G. Wang, D. Yu, L. Liao, Y. -H. Chu, Y. Ikuhara
"Possible Absence of Critical Thickness and Size Effect in Ultrathin Perovskite Ferroelectric Films"
Nature Communications 8 15549 (2017). - S. Sasano, R. Ishikawa, T. Higashi, T. Kimura, Y.-H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara
"Relative Li-ion mobility mapping in Li0.33La0.56TiO3 polycrystalline by electron backscatter diffraction and electrochemical strain microscopy"
Applied Physics Express 10 061102 (2017). - N. Shibata, T. Seki, G.S. Santolino, S.D. Findlay, Y. Kohno, T. Matsumoto, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara,"Electric field imaging of single atoms"
Nature Communications 8 15631 (2017). - X Liu, Z. Yu, R. Ishikawa, L. Chen, X. Yin, Y. Ikuhara, R. Riedel"Single-source-precursor derived RGO/CNTs-SiCN ceramic nanocomposite with ultra-high electromagnetic shielding effectiveness"
Acta Materialia 170 83-93 (2017). - C. Zhou, C. Fasel, R. Ishikawa, M. Gallei, Y. Ikuhara, H-J. Kleebe, R. Riedel, E. Ionescue"One-pot synthesis of a C/SiFeN(O)-based ceramic paper with in-situ generated hierarchical micro/nano-morphology"
Journal of European Ceramic Society 37 5193-5203 (2017) - N. Nishiyama, R. Ishikawa, H. Ohfuji, H. Marquardt, A. Kurnosov, T. Taniguchi, B. Kim, H. Yoshida, A. Masuno, J. Bednarcik, E. Kulik, Y. Ikuhara, F. Wakai, and T. Irifune, "Transparent polycrystalline cubic silicon nitride"
Scientific Reports 7 44755 (2017). - P. Gao, R. Ishikawa, E. Tochigi, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, and Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic-Scale Tracking a Phase Transition from Spinel to Rocksalt in Lithium Manganese Oxide"
Chemistry of Materials 29 1006-1013 (2017). - H.G. Brown, R. Ishikawa, G.S. Santolino, N. Lugg, Y. Ikuhara, L.J. Allen, N. Shibata
"A new method to detect and correct sample tilt in scanning transmission electron microscopy bright-field imaging"
Ultramicroscopy 173 76-83 (2017). - S.D. Findlay, R. Huang, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara
"Direct visualization of lithium via annular bright field scanning transmission electron microscopy: a review"
Microscopy 66 3-14 (2017). - S.J Pennycook, G. Duscher, R. Buczko, M. Kim, N.D. Browning, W. Zhou, C. Li, T.J. Pennycook, R. Ishikawa, S.T. Pantelides
"Atomic Structure and Properties of Dislocations and Grain Boundaries"
Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering (2016). - Y. Imanaka, T. Anazawa, T. Manabe, H. Amada, S. Ido, F. Kumasaka, N. Awaji, G.S. Santolino, R. Ishikawa and Y. Ikuhara,"An artificial photosynthesis anode electrode composed of a nanoparticulate photocatalyst film in a visible light responsive GaN-ZnO solid solution system"
Scientific Reports 6 35593 (2016) - R. Ishikawa, S.J. Pennycook, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara
"Single Atom Visibility by STEM Optical Depth Sectioning"
Applied Physics Letters 109 163102 (2016). - T. Matsumoto, Y.G. So, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara
"Jointed magnetic skyrmion lattices at a small-angle grain boundary directly visualized by advanced electron microscopy"
Scientific Reports 6 35880 (2016). - K. Matsunaga, TY. Chang, R. Ishikawa, Q. Dong, K. Toyoura, A. Nakamura, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata
"Adsorption sites of single noble metal atoms on the rutile TiO2 (110) surface influenced by different surface oxygen vacancies"
Journal of Physics: Condenced Matter 28 175002 (2016). - P. Gao, HJ. Liu, YL. Huang, YH. Chu, R. Ishikawa, B. Feng, Y. Jiang, N. Shibata, E. Wang, and Y. Ikuhara
"Atomic Mechanism of Polarization-Controlled Surface Reconstruction in Ferroelectric Thin Films"
Nature Communications 7 11318 (2016). - R. Ishikawa, Nathan R. Lugg, K. Inoue, H. Sawada, T. Taniguchi, N. Shibata, and Y. Ikuhara
"Interfacial Atomic Structure of Twisted Few-Layer Graphene"
Scientific Reports 6 21273 (2016) . - A.R. Lupini, S.N. Rashkeev, M. Varela, A.Y. Borisevich, M.P. Oxley, K. van Benthem, Y. Peng, N. De Jonge, G.M. Beith, T.J. Pennycook, W. Zhou, R. Ishikawa, M.F. Chisholm, S.T. Pantelides, S.J Pennycook
"Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
Nanocharacterisation (Chapter 2) 2nd Edit. 30-79, The Royal Society of Chemistry (2015). - Q. He, R. Ishikawa, A. R. Lupini, L. Qiao, E.J. Moon, O. Ovchinnikov, S.J. May, M. D. Biegalski, and A. Borisevich
"Towards 3D Mapping of BO6 Octahedron Rotations at Perovskite Thin Film Heterointerfaces, Unit Cell by Unit Cell"
ACS Nano 8 8412-8419 (2015). - J.T. Okada, P.H.-L. Sit, Y. Watanabe, B. Barbiellini, T. Ishikawa, Y.J. Wang, M. Itou, Y. Sakurai, A. Bansil, R. Ishikawa, M. Hamaishi, P.-F. Paradis, K. Kimura, T. Ishikawa, and S. Nanao
"Visualizing the mixed bonding properties of liquid boron with high resolution Compton scattering",
Physical Review Letters 114 177401 (2015). - G. Mera, R. Ishikawa, E. Ionescu, Y. Ikuhara and R. Riedel
"Atomic-Scale Assessment of the Crystallization Onset in Silicon Carbonitride"
Journal of European Ceramic Society 35 3355 (2015). - R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, Y. Hinuma and S.J. Pennycook
"Large-angle illumination STEM: Toward three-dimensional atom-by-atom imaging"
Ultramicroscopy 151 122-129 (2015). - R. Ishikawa, R. Mishra, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay,T. Taniguchi, S.T. Pantelides and S.J. Pennycook
"Direct Observation of Dopant Atom Diffusion in a Bulk Semiconductor Crystal Enhanced by a Large Size Mismatch"
Physical Review Letters 113 155501 (2014). - C. Ma, K. Chen, C. Liang, C.-W. Nan, R. Ishikawa, K. More and M. Chi
"Atomic-scale origin of the large grain-boundary resistance in perovskite Li-ion-conducting solid electrolytes"
Energy & Environmental Science 7 1638-1642 (2014). - R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay, T. Taniguchi and S.J. Pennycook
"Three-Dimensional Location of a Single Dopant with Atomic Precision by Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
Nano Letters 14 1903-1908 (2014). - M. Matsukawa, R. Ishikawa, T. Hisatomi, Y. Moriya, N. Shibata, J. Kubota, Y. Ikuhara and K. Domen
"Enhancing Photocatalytic Activity of LaTiO2N by Removal of Surface Reconstruction Layer",
Nano Letters 14 1038 (2014). - R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, F. Oba, S.D. Findlay, N. Shibata, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, H. Hayashi, T. Sakai, I. Tanaka, Y. Ikuhara and S.J. Pennycook
"Atomic Structure of Luminescent Centers in High-Efficiency Ce-doped w-AlN Single Crystal",
Scientific Reports 4 3778 (2014). - R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay and S.J. Pennycook
"Quantitative Annular Dark Field Electron Microscopy Using Single Electron Signals",
Microscopy and Microanalysis 20 99-110 (2014). - C. Teng-Yuan, Y. Tanaka, R. Ishikawa, K. Toyoura, K. Matsunaga, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata
"Direct imaging of Pt single atoms adsorbed on TiO2 (110) surfaces",
Nano Letters 14 134 (2013). - T. Matsumoto, R. Ishikawa, T. Tohei, H. Kimura, Q. Yao, H. Zhao, X. Wang, D. Chen, Z. Cheng, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara
"Multivariate Statistical Characterization of Charged and Uncharged Domain Walls in Multiferroic Hexagonal YMnO3 Single Crystal Visualized by a Spherical Aberration-Corrected STEM",
Nano Letters 13 4594 (2013). - H. Yu, R. Ishikawa, Y.-G. So, N. Shibata, T. Kudo, H. Zhou and Y. Ikuhara
"Direct Atomic-Resolution Observation of Two Phases in the Li1.2Mn0.567Ni0.166Co0.067O2 Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries",
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 5969 (2013). - Y. Ogasawara, S. Uchida, T. Maruichi, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara and N. Mizuno
"Cubic Cesium Hydrogen Silicododecatungstate with Anisotropic Morphology and Polyoxometalate Vacancies Exhibiting Selective Water Sorption and Cation-Exchange Properties",
Chemistry of Materials 25 905 (2013). - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, F. Oba, T. Taniguchi, S.D. Findlay, I. Tanaka and Y. Ikuhara
"Functional Complex Point-Defect Structure in a Huge-Size-Mismatch System",
Physical Review Letters 110 065504 (2013). - J.T. Okada, P.H.-L. Sit, Y. Watanabe, Y.J. Wang, B. Barbiellini, T. Ishikawa, M. Itou, Y. Sakurai, A. Bansil, R. Ishikawa, M. Hamaishi, T. Masaki, P.-F. Paradis, K. Kimura, T. Ishikawa and S. Nanao,
"Persistence of Covalent Bonding in Liquid Silicon Probed by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering",
Physical Review Letters 108 067402 (2012). - R. Ishikawa, E. Okunishi, H. Sawada, Y. Kondo, F. Hosokawa and E. Abe
"Direct imaging of hydrogen-atom columns in a crystal by annular bright-field electron microscopy",
Nature Materials 10 278 (2011).
Electron microscopy: Hydrogen brightens up - R. Ishikawa and E. Abe
"Stacking Faults and a Novel Structural Polytype in a Hydrogen-Storage (La0.8Mg0.2)Ni3.5 Alloy with Block-Stacking Superstructures",
Materials Transactions 50 943 (2009). - R. Ishikawa, T. Ishikawa, J.T. Okada, T. Maski, Y. Watanabe and S. Nanao
"Thermophysical properties of the melts of AlPdMn icosahedral quasicrystal",
Philosophical Magazine 87 2965 (2007). - J.T. Okada, Y. Sakurai, Y. Watanabe, R. Ishikawa, Y. Yokoyama, N. Hiraoka, M. Itou and S. Nanao
"A Compton scattering study on the Hume-Rothery mechanism of AlCu-TM (TM: transition metal) quasicrystals",
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 7203 (2006).
Invited Talks at International Conferences
- R. Ishikawa, "High Spatiotemporal Resolution STEM Imaging at High Temperature", Jul. 30 2024, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2024, Ohio, USA
- R. Ishikawa, "Atomistic defect analysis by atomic-resolution electron microscopy", Jan. 22 2024, 7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science, Taiwan
- R. Ishikawa, "Three dimensional imaging by STEM depth sectioning", Oct. 28 2023, Chinese Electron Microscopy Society, China
- R. Ishikawa, "Three-dimensional and dynamic STEM imaging at atomic resolution", Sep. 21 2023,The 20th International Microscopy Congress, Busan, Korea
- R. Ishikawa, "Development of high-spatiotemporal-resolution STEM imaging", Sep. 4 2023,10th International Workshop Spinel Nitrides and Related Materials, Rudesheim, Germany
- R. Ishikawa, "Real-time Tracking of Atomic Dynamics", Jul. 27 2023, Minneapolis, USA
- R. Ishikawa, "Three-dimensional and high-spatiotemporal-resolution STEM imaging", Jul. 21 2023, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- R. Ishikawa, "Three-dimensional imaging by STEM depth sectioning", Jun. 29 2023, IAMNano 2023, Matsue, Shimane
- R. Ishikawa, "Realizing dynamic observations in atomic-resolution STEM", May. 22 2023, International Workshop on Scanning Transmission Electron Microscop, on-line, China
- R. Ishikawa, "Towards three-dimensional atom-by-atom imaging by STEM depth sectioning", ,Sep. 22 2022, Seminar at National University of Singapore, Singapore
- R. Ishikawa, "For the development of dynamic observation in atomic-resolution STEM", 2nd International Conference on Materials for Humanity (MH 22), Sep. 20 2022, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- R. Ishikawa, "Toward three-dimensional and dynamic observations by atomic-resolution STEM", RIKEN Seminar, Jul. 15, 2022, on-line
- R. Ishikawa, "Three-dimensional imaging by large-angle illumination STEM", MRS Spring Meeting, May 24 2022, on-line
- R. Ishikawa, "Direct atomistic defect observations by depth sectioning and dynamic STEM", Microscopy and Microanalysis, Aug. 1, 2021, on-line
- R. Ishikawa, "Three-dimensional and dynamic STEM imaging at atomic resolution", Japanese Society of Microscopy, Jun. 16, 2021, Tsukuba
- R. Ishikawa, "Three-dimensional imaging by STEM depth sectioning", PICO 2021, May 4, 2021, on-line
- R. Ishikawa, "Recent Progresses on atomic-resolution electron microscopy", Seminars at Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy, Aug. 11, 2020, on-line webinar.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Complex atomic structure and three-dimensional single dopant distribution in Ce-doped cubic boron nitride", Materials Research Meeting 2019, Dec. 11, 2019, Yokohama, Japan.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Advanced point defect analysis by atomic-resolution STEM", 10th PRICM, Aug. 22, 2019, Xian, China.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Atomic-resolution dynamic STEM observations for single atom tracking", 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sep 13, 2018, Sydney, Australia.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Advanced Electron Microscopy for nitride", 9th International Workshop on Spinel Nitrides and Related Materials, Sep 5, 2018, Rudesheim, Germany
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Surface and Electric Field Imaging by Newly Designed Atomic-Resolution STEM", Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018, Aug 8, 2018, Baltimore, USA.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Tracking of single atom diffusion in bulk materials", International Workshop on STEM, May 11, 2018, Beijin, China.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Dynamic observation of single atom diffusion and phase transition", MRS 2018 Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Apr 4, 2018, AZ, USA.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "Atomic structures of dislocation and surface in oxide materials", The 3rd East-Asia Microscopy Conference, Nov 8 2017 , Busan, South Korea.
- R. Ishikawa et al, "The local structure and chemistry in solid state electrolytes", The 15th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Aug 2017, Kyoto University, Japan
- R. Ishikawa, "Direct Observation of Functional Point Defect Structures in Nitrides", 8th International Workshop on Spinel Nitrides and Related Materials, Sep 2016, Rudesheim, Germany
- R. Ishikawa, "Quantitative Electron Microscopy and the Application by Single Electron Signals", Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015, Aug 2015, Portland, USA.
- R. Ishikawa, "Advanced Electron Microscopy for Energy Related Materials", Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015, Aug 2015, Portland, USA.
Invited Talks and seminors at Domestic Conferences
- 石川亮, "点欠陥構造解析に向けた電子顕微鏡法の開発と応用", Jan. 16, 2024, 第6回固体化学フォーラム, 京都大学, 京都
- 石川亮, "走査透過型電子顕微鏡法", Dec. 30, 2023, 第38回分析電顕討論会, オンライン
- 石川亮, "深さ断層法による3次元電子顕微鏡の開発と応用", Nov. 5, 2022, 第65回 日本顕微鏡学会シンポジウム, 川崎学園, 岡山
- 石川亮, "TVレート原子分解能STEM法の開発と原子ダイナミクス", May. 13, 2022, 第78回 日本顕微鏡学会, ビッグパレットふくしま, 福島
- 石川亮, "深さ断層法による3次元電子顕微鏡の開発と応用", Mar. 3, 2022, 第7回マイクロビームアナリシス研究会, オンライン
- 石川亮, "3次元原子分解能を目指して", Feb. 18, 2022, 2021年度 日本顕微鏡学会 超高分解能顕微鏡法分科会, オンライン
- 石川亮, "3次元電子顕微鏡法の開発と応用", Nov. 17, 2021, 2021年度 日本顕微鏡学会 若手シンポジウム, オンライン
- 石川亮, "機能コアにおける3次元構造解析", Sep. 16, 2021, 日本金属学会, オンライン
- 石川亮, "3次元電子顕微鏡法の開発と機能コア構造解析への応用", Sep. 3, 2020, 日本セラミックス協会, オンライン
- 石川亮, "原子分解能電子顕微鏡によるセラミックス材料の構造解析",2019 年度 エンジニアリングセラミックス若手セミナー, Aug. 28, 2019, ハートピア熱海
- 石川亮, "先端電子顕微鏡法による局所構造解析",第2回計測インフォマティクス研究会,Mar. 6, 2019, 物質・材料開発機構,筑波
- 石川亮, "電気化学歪顕微鏡法と原子分解能STEMによる固体電解質材料の解析",アサイラムAFMセミナー, Nov. 20, 2018, 日本橋,東京
- 石川亮, "原子分解能STEMを用いた点欠陥構造の研究", 第74回日本顕微鏡学会, May 29 2018, 久留米
- 石川亮, "原子分解能STEM法を用いた点欠陥構造解析の新展開", 第12回日本フラックス成長研究発表会, Dec 8 2017, 横浜
- 石川亮, "原子分解能顕微鏡法を用いたセラミックス材料解析", 第153回124委員会, Sep 1 2017, 東工大
- 石川亮, "先進電子顕微鏡法を用いた点欠陥構造解析", Workshop on materials science under ultra-high pressure matsuyama 2017, Mar. 2 2017, 愛媛
- 石川亮, "ADF-STEM法による単原子ドーパントの解析", ニューダイヤモンドフォーラム 平成23年度 第二回研究会, Jun 22 2016, 東工大
- 石川亮, "STEM像の定量解析手法の開発とその応用", 日本金属学会, Sep 13 2015, 九大
- 石川亮, "電子計数法に基づくSTEM像の定量解析とその応用", 超高分解能研究会, Feb 21 2014, 三浦海岸
Review Articles & Book Chapters
- 石川亮, 柴田直哉, 堂免一成, 幾原雄一 "光触媒材料の表面原子構造解析",
『触媒(Catalysts and Catalysis)』、62[1], 2-8(2020). - 石川亮, 柴田直哉,幾原雄一 "グラフェン欠陥の原子電場構造解析",
日本結晶学会誌, 61, 231 (2019). - 石川亮, 田中利空, 柴田直哉, 幾原雄一 "DigitalMicrographによる電子顕微鏡の簡単な制御および画像解析"
まてりあ,57[12], 584-588(2018). - 石川亮, 幾原雄一 "走査透過型電子顕微鏡によるリチウムイオン電池材料の局所構造解析",
リチウムイオン電池における高容量化・高電圧化技術と安全対策, 技術情報協会 (2018). - 関岳人, Sánchez-Santolino Gabriel, 石川亮, 幾原雄一, 柴田直哉 "原子分解能微分位相コントラストSTEM法の理論",
顕微鏡, 52[1], 8-12 (2017). - 石川亮, "立方晶窒化ホウ素中に形成された複合点欠陥",
まてりあ, 55[12], 609- (2016). - 石川亮, "走査透過型電子顕微鏡による定量解析とその応用",
まてりあ 55 479-483 (2016). - 石川亮, 柴田直哉, 大場史康, S.D. Findlay, 谷口尚, 田中功, 幾原雄一, "希土類添加cBN結晶中に形成された複合点欠陥の局所構造解析",
ニューダイヤモンド, 112, 1 (2014). - 阿部 英司, 石川 亮, "相反定理に基づく環状明視野STEM結像の考察",
顕微鏡, 47, 211 (2012). - E. Abe, D. Egusa, R. Ishikawa and T. Seki, "Ultrahigh-Resolution STEM Analysis of Complex Compounds",
JEOL News, 45, 20 (2010). - 石川 亮, 阿部 英司, "水素吸蔵-放出した(La0.6Y0.4)5Ni19ブロック積層型化合物の微細構造",
まてりあ, 48 597(2009).
Conference Proceedings
- R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Surface and Electric Field Imaging by Newly Designed Atomic-Resolution STEM",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, 118 Suppl. S1 (2018). - S. Morishita, R. Ishikawa, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Resolution Achievement of 40.5 pm in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy using 300 kV Microscope with Delta Corrector",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, 120 Suppl. S1 (2018). - P. Gao, R. Ishikawa, F. Bin, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Better Contrast for Imaging Defects by ABF",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23, 480 Suppl. S3 (2017). - T. Seki, G. Sanchez-Santolino, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative Relation Between Differential Phase Contrast Images Obtained by Segmented and Pixelated DetectorsF",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23, 440 Suppl. S1 (2017). - R. Ishikawa, S.J. Pennycook, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Three-Dimensional Point Defect Imaging by Large-angle Illumination STEM",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23, 424 Suppl. S1 (2017). - N. Shibata, S.D. Findlay, T. Matsumoto, T. Seki, G. Sanchez-Santolino, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, H. Sasaki, Y.G. So, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara, "Direct Electromagnetic Structure Observation by Aberration-corrected Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22, 906 Suppl. S3 (2016). - G. Sanchez-Santolino, T. Seki, N.R. Lugg, R. Ishikawa, D.J. Taplin, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, "Quantitative Atomic Resolution Differential Phase Contrast Imaging Using a Segmented Area All Field Detector",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22, 504 Suppl. S3 (2016). - N.R. Lugg, A. Kumamoto, R. Ishikawa, G. Kothleitner, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic-Resolution Composition Mapping in EDS STEM",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22, 1432 Suppl. S3 (2016). - P. Gao, A. Kumamoto, R. Ishikawa, N.R. Lugg, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Misalignment Induced Artifacts in Quantitative Annular Bright-Field Imaging",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22, 888 Suppl. S3 (2016). - G. Sanchez-Santolino, T. Seki, N.R. Lugg, R. Ishikawa, D.J. Taplin, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara, N. Shibata "Characterization of Electromagnetic Fields by Atomic Resolution Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy",
AMTC Letters, 5, 242-(2016). - S. Sasano, Y. Shimbo, R. Ishikawa, T. Kimura, Y. H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Local Li-ion Mobility of Polycrystalline Oxide Electrolyte",
AMTC Letters, 5, 176-(2016). - N. R. Lugg, A. Kumamoto, R. Ishikawa, B. Feng, G. Kothleitner, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Composition Mapping in Atomic-Resolution EDS STEM",
AMTC Letters, 5, 128-129(2016). - D. J. Taplin, R. Ishikawa, T. Seki, H. Sawada, M. Weyland, N. Shibata, S. D. Findlay, "Differential Phase Contrast Imaging using a Segmented Detector",
AMTC Letters, 5, 24-25(2016). - T. Higashi, R. Ishikawa, T. Kimura, Y. -H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Grain boundary atomic structures in solid-state electrolyte Li0.28La0.53TiO3",
AMTC Letters, 5, 20-21(2016). - R. Ishikawa, N. R. Lugg, K. Inoue, H. Sawada, T. Taniguchi, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, "Interfacial Atomic Structure of Twisted Graphene",
AMTC Letters, 5, 22-23(2016). - Y. Ikuhara, R. Ishikawa, T. Nakagawa, E. Tochigi, T. Tohei, and N. Shibata, "Atomic-Scale STEM Characterization of Grain Boundaries in Oxides",
Microscopy, 64, i10 (2015). - P. Gao, R. Ishikawa, E. Tochigi, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, and Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic-scale Tracking Cation Diffusion in Lithium Manganese Oxide",
Microscopy, 64, i15 (2015). - P. Gao, R. Ishikawa, E. Tochigi, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, and Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic Observation of Phase Transformation from Spinel to Tock Salt in Lithium Manganese Oxide",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, 333 Suppl. S3 (2015). - P. Gao, R. Ishikawa, E. Tochigi, A. Kumamoto, N. Shibata, and Y. Ikuhara, "Annular Bright-Field Electron Microscopy Tracking Solid-State Chemical Reaction",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, 963 Suppl. S3 (2015). - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, "Advanced Electron Microscopy for Energy Related Materials",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, 471 Suppl. S3 (2015). - R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay, T. Taniguchi, and S.J. Pennycook, "Quantitative Electron Microscopy and the Application by Single Electron Signals",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, 1449 Suppl. S3 (2015). - M.A. Roldan, J. Salafranca, R. Ishikawa, R. Mishra, A. López-Ortega, M. Estrader, J. Nogues, S.J. Pennycook and M. Varela, "Atomic-Resolution Monitoring of Structural Phase Transition in Bi-magnetic Core/Shell Oxide Nanoparticles",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20, Suppl. S3 (2014). - Q. He, R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, Q. Liang, M.D. Biegalski, A. Borisevich, "Toward 3D mapping of octahedral rotations at perovskite thin film heterointerfaces unit cell by unit cell",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20, Suppl. S3 (2014). - S.J. Pennycook, R. Ishikawa, A.R. Lupini, S.D. Findlay, R. Mishra and S.T. Pantelides, "Tracking Dopant Diffusion Pathways inside Bulk Materials",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20, 1038 Suppl. S3 (2014). - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, F. Oba, S.D. Findlay, T. Taniguchi, A.R. Lupini, S.J. Pennycook, I. Tanaka and Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic structures of luminescent centers in size-mismatch systems",
AMTC Letters 4, (2014). - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, F. Oba, T. Taniguchi, S.D. Findlay, I. Tanaka and Y. Ikuhara, "Functional Complex Point-Defect Structure in a Huge-Size-Mismatch System",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19, Supplementary S2, 1954 (2013). - R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, F. Oba, T. Taniguchi, S.D. Findlay, I. Tanaka and Y. Ikuhara, "Atomic-resolution STEM Imaging in Nitrides",
AMTC Letters 3, 84 (2012). - R. Ishikawa and E. Abe, "Direct Imaging of Interstitial Atoms in (La0.6Er0.4)5Ni19 Hydrogen Storage Compound",
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17, Supplementary S2, 1612 (2011). - R. Ishikawa and E. Abe, "Direct Imaging of Interstitials in (La0.6Er0.4)5Ni19 Complex Compound",
AMTC Letters, 2, 218 (2010). - R. Ishikawa, E. Abe, K. Ishikawa and K. Aoki, "Novel long period structures in hydrogen storage LaxY1-xNi3.8 compounds",
Acta Crystallography, A64, C533 (2008).