Recipe: Cookie Dough Truffles (2024)

There seems to be two very opposing mentalities that make a very public appearance during the last two months of the year. On the one hand you have the “I will NOT eat crap this holiday season” folks who stress and worry about every little gathering, party, or trip to the store. Food is their enemy as they fear their only options are to grab a bag of baby carrots or die by chocolate as their are bombarded with treats at every corner.

On the other hand you have the “forget it” folks who binge in every treat that comes their way. “It’s the holidays! Live a little,” they cry out each night only to wake up in the morning feeling ill from the onslaught of junk they consumed.

Guess what, folks, it doesn’t have to be so extreme!

Friends, you CAN enjoy holiday eating without giving up yummy treats.

Behold, the guilt free cookie dough truffle.

See this. That’s chocolate. And cookie dough! And it’s not going to tip the scale on you or make you feel ill the next day! That’s because unlike traditional cookie dough truffles that are loaded with refined flours and sugars, unidentifiable ingredients, and other nasty stuff, these grain free cookie dough truffles are packed with nourishing ingredients. Almonds, grass-fed gelatin, coconut oil. Good stuff. And they are sweetened with natural sweeteners to make these homemade truffles a treat full of quality proteins, good fats, and sensible sugars.

So go ahead, eat them. Enjoy them. Give them to friends. Take them to the work party.

Grain Free Cookie Dough Truffles

When you want a sweet treat during the holidays it doesn't mean you have to throw all health out the window. These cookie dough truffles are grain free, guilt free, and so delicious.

Prep Time30 minutes

Cook Time30 minutes

Total Time1 hour


For the chocolate coating:


    For the cookie dough:

    1. Combine all ingredients except the chocolate chips in a mixing bowl. Stir until well combined. Then stir in the chocolate chips.
    2. Scoop out small dough balls onto a cookie sheet (I love to use my handy cookie dough scooper for this). Chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
    3. Take slightly chilled dough balls out and mold them into perfect balls by gently rolling them between the palms of your hands. Place back in the fridge for thirty - sixty minutes.

    For the chocolate coating:

    1. Place all ingredients in a small sauce pan over low heat. Stir continuously until the chocolate is completely melted and everything is well combined. Turn heat off but leave the pan on the warm stove top.

    Assembling your truffles:

    1. Pull out your chilled dough balls. Drop one in the chocolate sauce and with two forks gently toss it around until it's fully covered. Tenderly scoop the ball up using the two forks and allow the excess chocolate drip off before transferring back to the cookie sheet.
    2. Once all dough balls are covered, chill covered truffles in the fridge for another 15 - 30 minutes, or until the chocolate is well set.
    3. Eat and enjoy now! Or, keep chilled to enjoy later. These truffles can be kept out at room temperature for an hour or two (hello, holiday parties!), but will keep better for longer time periods in the fridge.

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    Recipe: Cookie Dough Truffles (2024)


    Are cookie dough bites discontinued? ›

    Although not all of these flavors are currently in production, many remain in distribution: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites. Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites. Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites.

    How do you roll cookie dough into balls? ›

    Just gently roll each portion of dough between your hands into a perfectly round ball before baking. While this works best with smooth cookie doughs, you can apply a little extra pressure on chunky cookie doughs to press the little bits in.

    How to roll cookie dough into balls without sticking? ›

    Rolling cookie dough between parchment eliminates the need to dust the dough with flour to prevent it from sticking to the work surface.

    How to make cookie dough taste homemade? ›

    No one will even suspect they're store-bought (and we won't tell anyone!).
    1. Add brown sugar. ...
    2. Experiment with extracts. ...
    3. Mix in different candies and snacks. ...
    4. Add espresso or coffee grounds. ...
    5. Deepen the flavors by refrigerating the dough. ...
    6. Salt before baking the cookies. ...
    7. Reduce baking time for extra soft cookies.

    Why can't you eat store bought cookie dough? ›

    Most doughs and batters contain raw eggs, which can be contaminated with an illness-causing germ called Salmonella. It's a common cause of food poisoning in the U.S. The symptoms of Salmonella infection include: Diarrhea.

    Should I thaw frozen cookie dough balls before baking? ›

    Cookie dough freezes well for up to 3 months, so it's a great way to get ahead for the holidays or other busy times. For drop cookies, you don't need to wait for the dough to thaw—bake from frozen. You don't have to bake the whole batch at once—you can bake just 1 or 2 when you're craving a freshly baked, warm cookie.

    Can I roll out Pillsbury sugar cookie dough? ›

    Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon flour onto work surface; coat all sides of dough with flour. With rolling pin, roll out dough 1/4 inch thick, adding additional flour as needed to prevent sticking.

    What is a drop cookie? ›

    What is a drop cookie? Drop cookies are one of the easiest types of cookies to make. As the name implies, you make them by dropping spoonfuls of cookie batter onto a baking sheet. Some of the most popular cookie recipes, like sugar and oatmeal raisin, are drop cookies.

    What does adding vinegar to cookie dough do? ›

    King Arthur Flour says the purpose of the vinegar is to temper the sweetness of the sugar and it also reacts with the baking soda to allow the cookies to rise a bit more in the oven. Who knew, eh? So try it–you'll be surprised how it perfectly balances the taste.

    What makes bakery cookies so soft? ›

    The ingredients that make cookies soft do double duty: they add and maintain moisture and they add flavor that develops while the cookies bake. Butter is more than 15% water, so it plays a role in making cookies soft by adding water and fat, which contributes flavor and tenderness.

    Should cookie dough sit before baking? ›

    Generally speaking, you should chill your cookie dough before baking it. But for how long? You want to give it at least 2 hours to chill through.

    Are Sonic cookie dough bites discontinued? ›

    Sonic Cookie Dough Bites discontinued

    As of November 27, 2022, Sonic has unfortunately discontinued the production of their fried cookie dough bites just like their Pink Drink.

    What Girl Scout cookie did they discontinue? ›

    For 2024, you can say "goodbye" to Raspberry Rally.

    What cookie did Nabisco discontinue? ›

    Earlier this year, Nabisco discontinued its Famous Chocolate Wafers, one year short of the cookie's 100th anniversary. Makers of icebox cakes and chocolate crusts were incensed, and you know what happens when a bunch of bakers get outraged?

    Did Sonic get rid of the cookie dough blast? ›

    Sonic discontinued the Cookie Dough Blast & currently has no intention of bringing it back. If we get enough signatures showing the amount of interest of bringing back the treat, Sonic may consider putting it back on their menu.

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    Name: Rueben Jacobs

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