Allen Brother's Grilling Guide - How Long to Grill a Steak (2025)

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Allen Brother's Grilling Guide - How Long to Grill a Steak (2025)


Allen Brother's Grilling Guide - How Long to Grill a Steak? ›

As a rule of thumb, when cooking steaks that are 1-1/2 inch thick, you want to go by the 3-4 rule. That is, three minutes per side on direct heat, then four minutes per side on indirect heat. That will get your steaks to a beautiful pink medium-rare.

How long should I cook steak on the grill? ›

Cooking Times
Gas GrillCharcoal Grill
Rare1 inch 1 1/2 inches5-10 mins 7-13 mins5-10 mins 7-13 mins
Medium-Rare1 inch 1 1/2 inches7-12 mins 9-15 mins7-12 mins 9-15 mins
Medium1 inch 1 1/2 inches8-13 mins 10-16 mins8-13 mins 10-16 mins
Medium-Well1 inch 1 1/2 inches10-15 mins 12-18 mins10-15 mins 12-18 mins

What is the rule of 3 for grilling steaks? ›

As a rule of thumb, when cooking steaks that are 1-1/2 inch thick, you want to go by the 3-4 rule. That is, three minutes per side on direct heat, then four minutes per side on indirect heat. That will get your steaks to a beautiful pink medium-rare.

How to grill a 1 1 2 inch thick steak? ›

Heat a grill to high heat, between 400-450 degrees Fahrenheit. For a perfect medium rare steak, grill a 1 inch thick steak for 4-5 minutes per side. For a steak that is 1 1/2 inches thick, add 1-2 minutes to the cooking time per side. Use an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature of the steak.

What is the rule of thumb for grilling steaks? ›

The timing. As a rule of thumb (for a steak 22mm thick) – cook 2 minutes each side for rare, 3-4 mins each side for medium-rare and 4-6 mins each side for medium. For well done, cook for 2-4 minutes each side, then turn the heat down and cook for another 4-6 minutes.

How many minutes before you flip a steak on the grill? ›

Sear the steaks.

Place the steaks directly over the hottest area of the grill. If your grill has a hot spot (where everything seems to burn) that's where you should sear them. Place them on the grill for at least 3 minutes before flipping. Sear for another 3 minutes.

What is the best steak grilling time? ›

Broil the steaks: Broil the steaks for 4 minutes on the first side, then use a pair of tongs to flip them and broil for 4 minutes more on the second side.

Should I grill steak with the lid open or closed? ›

If you're looking for a good sear, you might cook at higher heat to achieve the sear. If you're cooking it for rare or medium rare then leave it uncovered. If you're looking for a medium or well steak then you may wish to lower the heat and cover it after searing to cook the insides more.

How long to grill steak at 400 for medium? ›

For medium cooks, shoot for closer to 5 to 8 minutes on each side. It's always best, though, to start with the lower grilling steak time and check with your finger to see if it might need a bit more time, instead of allowing it to cook for a couple of extra minutes.

Do you grill a steak on high or low? ›

Steaks should always be cooked on high temperatures to sear the outside and trap the juices and flavor inside. Steaks should almost always be cooked on a grill or in a pan on high heat: all cooking guidelines below are for one-inch thick steaks. Rest your steak for five minutes under aluminum foil before eating.

How to cook steak on a propane grill? ›

How to Grill Steak on a Gas Grill
  1. Preheat. Fire up the gas grill and preheat to 300-350 degrees F for two-zone cooking (one direct heat side of the grill and one side with the burners turned off).
  2. Season. ...
  3. Grill over indirect heat. ...
  4. Sear. ...
  5. Rest, slice, and serve.
Jul 3, 2023

Should I grill steak on direct heat? ›

For Thin Steaks, Sear Over Direct Heat

This will ensure that the surface browns evenly throughout, and that the middle of the steak won't cook too quickly or unevenly. Take the steak off of the grill once it hits your target temperature (see below).

How long should steak rest? ›

Use the following timing recommendations to learn how long to rest steak so that the flavorful juices have time to distribute through your meat: Rest meat for 5 minutes per inch of thickness. Rest meat for 10 minutes per pound. Rest meat for 1 minute for every 100 grams.

How to perfectly grill a steak? ›

Place the steaks on the grill and cook until golden brown and slightly charred, 4 to 5 minutes. Turn the steaks over and continue to grill 3 to 5 minutes for medium-rare (an internal temperature of 135 degrees F), 5 to 7 minutes for medium (140 degrees F) or 8 to 10 minutes for medium-well (150 degrees F).

How long to grill 1 steaks per side? ›

ThicknessRare 110 to 120 FMedium 130 to 140 F
1"4 minutes EACH SIDE6 minutes EACH SIDE
1.25"4.5 minutes EACH SIDE6.5 minutes EACH SIDE
1.5"5 minutes EACH SIDE7 minutes EACH SIDE
1.75"5.5 minutes EACH SIDE7.5 minutes EACH SIDE
1 more row

How hot should a grill be for steak? ›

The best grill temperature to grill a steak is high heat (450-550 degrees F.).

How long do you grill steaks per side? ›

Place the steaks on the grill and cook until golden brown and slightly charred, 4 to 5 minutes. Turn the steaks over and continue to grill 3 to 5 minutes for medium-rare (an internal temperature of 135 degrees F), 5 to 7 minutes for medium (140 degrees F) or 8 to 10 minutes for medium-well (150 degrees F).

Do you grill steak on high heat? ›

Brush your cooking grates clean and adjust your grill for direct, high heat. The best temperature for steaks is 450°F to 500°F. 4. Put your steaks on the grill, close the lid, and set your timer for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the thickness of your steak.

Do you close the grill when cooking steak? ›

For thicker cuts, you want to close the lid to keep the temperature high and even. Large steaks, chicken, and roasts have much more depth for the heat to penetrate, and closing the lid will give the heat time to sink in and cook the meat through in much the same way an oven does.

How long to grill steak at 450 for medium? ›

Medium Steak

At 450°F, cook for 7 to 8 minutes per side. Most everyone is happy with this doneness.

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